David Van Riper is the director of Spatial Analysis at the Institute of Social Research and Data Innovation at the University of Minnesota. During his session, David walks through how to get started with the National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS), which provides historical and contemporary small-area census data and GIS mapping files for the United States. He also shows examples of how the data can be used to explore and expose social issues. 

Links to info and resources: 

– Link to Youtube Walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pz1vYG8z1Y&ab_channel=CivicHackerNetwork

– National Historical GIS from IPUMS Website: https://www.nhgis.org/

– David’s LinkedIn⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-van-riper-895a8a1/

– Original Civic Hacker Summit Session recording (access for ⁠⁠⁠paid members⁠⁠⁠): ⁠https://civichackersummit.com/schedule/david-van-riper-2022-summit/

– Civic HackHER Initiative: ⁠https://civic-hackers.org/civichackher⁠

– Support the Civic Hacker Podcast! Donate at https://opencollective.com/civichackers

– Come to a Monthly Meetup – https://civic-hackers.org/sign-up-for-monthly-virtual-meetups/

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Author: Staff